

insciptedbowl insciptedbowl3










もしくは、tokyo@yantarajiro.jp まで連絡ください。


Each Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl is “alive” and has quantum consciousness. When a bowl is being inscribed with Light Language by Yantara Jiro, codes of light, sacred geometries and energy mandalas (but not limited to) are being gifted by Source; And depending on the element of each bowl and intention of person – Ascended Masters, Holy Saints and Star Nation Beings gather to bless, inscribe, empower and encode words of power onto the sacred bowl.

Sometimes divine messages, guidance are given verbally to the guardian (person) of the bowl, including the expanded functions and capability on what the alchemy crystal singing bowl when played can perform (do) from now.

The location on where to start drawing and which Light Language patterns to use are entirely guided by the intelligence of Source and is firstly received through Yantara Jiro before the actual inscription.

Yantara Jiro will speak the Light Language and transmit the intended frequencies while inscribing on the bowl.

The entire process is observed as sacred and upon completion, guardian of the bowl is to receive the upgraded empowered Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl with open heart and to see it as a sacred item.

With each Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl being inscribed, may it bring love, sound and light and all that is beautiful of this Universe and Beyond to whoever who sees it, hears it, touches it and feels it.