

この3月のハートアクティベーションの宇宙の波を体験する準備が整っていますか? 2月下旬あたりに、ハートの中心あたり、軽い緊張感を感じた人もいるかもしれません。




すばらしい自信、楽しみ、ワクワク感でこの新しい波動に乗れるよう、あなたを招待します! あなたの体験に流れてきているコズミックなエネルギーの祝福の波を受けとめてください。あなたのパワフルな、すばらしい、癒しの、高揚感のあるボルテックス、人生の祝福へと進んでいってください。



3月から、アクティベーション、ハートの拡大をしっかりとサポートするイベントがいろいろ、大坂癒しフェア、春分の日からの東京プログラム、アルケミークリスタルボウル 演奏施術者講座、アルクトゥルスクォンタムヒーリング講座、5月にはウエサクセレモニー、6月14日から22日まで、夏至を祝うボスニアピラミッドツアーがあります。

Love. Sound. Light.

Yantara Jiro





Dearest All,

Are you ready to experience the cosmic wave of heart activation this March?! At the end of Feb, a gentle tension around your heart centre may have been experienced.

This tune-up and release of old limiting energies are inviting your energy body to participate with the least resistance possible. This may have brought up old issues that are still in your energetic informational field causing anxiety, fear, uncertainty, mental fog, emotional stagnancy and lower self-esteem.

We ask that you allow the process of this new cosmic wave of heart activation to support you with frequent gentle loving encouragement to yourself.

We ask that you allow the opening of your heart centre to allow greater flow by changing the perspective of your thoughts to self-love and nurturing, and self-encouragement. We know that with each successive encouragement towards yourself, you will come into alignment with your Inner Source to the Greater Source and this shall merge your intelligence with the Universe. Your inspirations will be ‘downloaded’ and transmitted into your body through pyramidal structures (information matrix of the universe).


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We welcome you into this new vibration and ride on the new wave with great confidence, fun and excitement! We invite you to embrace the blessed waves of cosmic energies that are now streaming into your experience. We excitedly call upon you to step into your powerful, amazing, healing and uplifting vortex and celebrate life.

Look forward to a whole new expansion from March and be ready to upgrade yourself!

The power of self-love is now beginning streaming through you.

I have a line-up of events, courses and a sacred tour set up to journey this activation and expansion with your heart. May the power of love saturate your being and nurture your heart.