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The Sacred Beads of Ancient Yakusugi Cedars (Highest-Grade)
Blessings / Spiritual Wisdom / Opening of Chakras / Grounding

Yakushima Island, Japan, listed under the Unesco World Natural Heritage is home to the Ancient Yakusugi (Japanese Cedar) trees. Since 2016, the government no longer allows any harvesting of these ancient giants even if it has naturally fallen making it extremely rare now. These thousand year old trees are grown under extremely magnificent environment, taking in the prana (qi) essences from Sun, Wind, Earth, Rain and Negative Ions, producing resins for hundreds and thousands of years.

These highest-quality Yakusugi beads are made from the logs naturally dried for at least over 20 years. The bracelet is produced with the highest integrity and harmony with nature. Because of its ample resin, the beads are naturally coated with yakusugi oil. With long wearing, the beads give off a rich aroma of thousand year old cedarwood oil onto your skin bringing a beautiful luster by itself. Experience the physical connection with the ancient cedar tree on your wrist and feel the deep grounding and revitalizing force of nature.

Yantara Jiro frequently visits Yakushima Island leading tours for people to meet with these Ancient Wise Yakusugi Trees. The energies from the Yakusugi supports opening of the Crown Chakra, Heart Chakra and grounds the body with Earth. The oils when in contact from the beads to the skin, energizes the vital body. Great care should be taken with these sacred beads in honor of the Ancient Cedars.