
ハートチャクラが愛と拡大の爆風を受けますので、いまから準備しましょう! 金星が逆光してますので、ハートと人間関係が注目される時期です。




How are you feeling so far in March?
Get ready for the blast of love and expansion on the Heart Chakra! Venus is retrograding and so the focus is on the Heart and relationships.
We shall tap into the power of Planet Venus when Spring Equinox opens up the heart to Greater Love. This powerful shift on this DAY is healing our deep wounds and also forging new connections with ourselves, reuniting our separated selves and deep healing.
Remember that we are connected to each other through the resonance of the heart, Mother Mary and many great Divine Masters have sent guidance to me that empowerments and blessings shall be given to our group gathering on this day.
Let us gather in love, sound and light with our collective prayers to receive the blessings and activations with the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls and Light Languages.
Yantara Jiro