
11月22日から26日に開催する『アルクトゥルスクォンタムヒーリング®︎プロフェショナル講座』の受講条件として、アルクトゥルスクォンタムヒーリング®︎講座レベル1と2を修了していること、およびプロフェショナル講座の適正診断に回答いただき、講師から受講可能とされてものが受けることができます。適正診断実施にあたり、ヤンタラジローからコメントをいただいていますので、みなさまと共有しますね。本来は受講希望者だけに送るものですが、なかなかパンチのある内容なので、みなさまにシェアしたいと思いました(なお、適正診断は該当者のみに送付され、回答いただく内容です。該当しない方には送付いたしません)。実施にあたり、いつもと変わらず、講師としてのヤンタラジローの本気度がわかると思います^^ 事務局も微力ながら、ヤンタラジローの貴重なコンテンツを適材適所に届くよう努めたいと思います。

















Yantara Jiro

Arcturus Quantum Healing Professional
Preliminary Letter

Thank you for expressing interest in applying for the Arcturus Quantum Healing Professional Course!

I wonder how your journey of Arcturus Quantum Healing has been since you started?

In the journey of healing, we discover more of who we are, we release and gain greater understanding of our True-Nature. While doing energy healing for friends, family and others, we could sometimes see reflections of our past in them.

There are loosely three archetypes in stages as a healing practitioner. They are the wounded healer, the shaman and the Alchemist.

The wounded healer does not recognise its own wound and may continue to self-sabotage themselves throughout their lives. Sometimes, energy healers may recognise their old self when they are giving healing sessions to others. This realisation reflects the presence of the wounded healer within the practitioner. If the wounded healer does not recognise this, it may be hard for them to progress and grow further.

The shaman archetype is when personal pain becomes so apparent that they can no longer ignore it. This can happen to the healing practitioner at any stage of their journey or career. The archetype, the Shaman within the healing practitioner however has the ability to travel between worlds, to understand and to integrate the good and the bad. This stage of personal healing is the most intense, but when embraced can open up beautiful gifts and begin to live more wholesome lives.

The third archetype, the alchemist within the healing practitioner manifests when One progresses much deeper into self-development and knows how to shift, change, and manifest change swiftly in their lives. The alchemist understands the schematics of energetics and is able to confidently transform undesirable states into desirable ones. The alchemist is aligned, centred, and is empowered by the wisdom of the Universal Principles. The alchemist is transcendental.

In our preliminary letter for level one, we mentioned, “This Art requires the practitioner to devote a reasonable amount of time to practice and develop themselves in both skills and character.” In the professional course, this devotion required of the practitioner is so much more and truly calls upon One to rise above from their lower to their highest potentials.

Though, understand that no amount of practice, study, knowledge and application is ever enough. There is no end to becoming better, all paths will basically just lead us toward realising our true-nature. Some paths take countless lifetimes to realise, while some are accelerated paths to awakening and true-realisation. No amount of cooking grains of sand will change it to become grains of rice. Walking on a path that is able to clear our illusions and perceptions of our true-nature is of utmost importance and precious.

This professional course is tailored for you, for each individual who comes in an organic, beautiful space of co-creation. It is essential that I understand and know where you are in your current stage of energy healing development.

As such, the assessment is designed to help me to gain an overview of your personal spiritual developments pertaining to the Arcturus Quantum Healing context.

It is essential that you answer them carefully in all truth and clarity to your best knowledge.

Each person applying for this course is at different stages of their lives; even their knowledge and experiences vary.

Please understand that this is not a test of your worthiness but a way for us to see if this course’s content, practices and expectations are suitable for you currently at this moment of your life.

It is our wish that anyone while taking this course feels empowered and encouraged.

If a question does not apply to you, please do not leave it blank, rather please type “Not applicable”.

We appreciate and look forward to your responses. 🙂

Yantara Jiro


11月末東京開講 『アルクトゥルスクォンタムヒーリング®️プロフェショナル講座』5日間
